Posts Tagged ‘return of Christ’


Just how does one…

August 27, 2013

Just how does one:

deal with the unbelievable

acknowledge the unthinkable

recognize the unknowable?

These are the things I am dealing with. Life has changed…drastically. And yet, life also goes on. I am focusing on things other than the tragedy.

I am refusing to allow this tragedy to define my life. Yet, I cannot pretend it did not happen…nor would I want to. Life is better lived when truth is faced and confronted…not when we run from truth.

I know I have not been writing on here much.  I have been busy doing life. I am studying the bible and watching as more and more prophecies are being fulfilled. More and more signs are happening and I am certain that time is winding down.

I have been studying the Hebrew language and it is unlike any other language in the world. The symbolism and patterns are very unique and the letters have meanings all their own. The wording of the beginning of Genesis is unique compared to the rest of the scriptures. It follows an unusual pattern. It is through the alef and how it appears in that very first sentence of Genesis that it has been believed by the Jewish sages from way back that the earth has six thousand years and then the 7th is the millennium of the reign of Messiah when He returns.

And there is more…so much more. It is amazing and mind-blowing.

Time is short, but as predicted long ago, the people of this day and age will not see it. They think it is just life as usual continuing on without change. But any serious student of the bible and of its ancient prophecies cannot help but see what is happening all around us.

Israel has come back. There is NO other nation in the world that has come back after almost 2,000 years. There is no other language that has come back into common usage after centuries of only being used as a prayer language. If you study how Israel became a nation again, you see miracle after miracle…as testified by those who were there.

There is SO much that clearly shows the hand of G-d moving in and around Israel. So many times, genocide has been attempted against the Israeli people…and yet they are STILL here!

The time is short. I hope…I pray…that others will see that. Yeshua is coming back…and it won’t be long now!

Are you ready? I am, but are YOU?